BetterDog Training Canine Respitory Illness Charlotte nc


BetterDog Training Canine Respitory Illness Charlotte nc

In a concerning turn of events, good girls and boys from Oregon to Florida are falling victim to a mysterious infectious respiratory illness that has left both pet owners and animal health officials puzzled. With cases reported in fourteen states, this illness bears similarities to kennel cough but proves resistant to conventional treatments. The stakes are high, as some cases have escalated to pneumonia and, tragically, even death. As we navigate this unsettling situation, it becomes crucial for dog owners to stay informed and vigilant.

The Enigma Unveiled:

The symptoms of this enigmatic dog respiratory illness are akin to those of kennel cough, yet the usual remedies are proving ineffective. Animal health officials are grappling with the challenge of identifying the root cause and, consequently, finding a successful course of treatment. The gravity of the situation cannot be overstated, with some dogs succumbing to pneumonia, and families facing the heartbreak of losing their cherished companions.

Symptoms to Watch For:

For dog owners, recognizing the symptoms is paramount in catching this mysterious illness early. Stay attuned to the following signs that your furry friend may be affected:

  1. Coughing and Sneezing: Persistent coughing and sneezing that goes beyond the occasional doggy sniffle.
  2. Difficulty Breathing: Labored breathing or signs of respiratory distress.
  3. Rapid Breathing: Unexplained accelerated breathing patterns.
  4. Wheezing or Nasal Whistling: Audible sounds of discomfort during breathing.
  5. Dehydration: Noticeable lack of hydration, which can manifest in dry gums and lethargy.
  6. Difficulty Exercising: Reluctance or inability to engage in regular physical activities.
  7. Fever: Elevated body temperature that indicates an underlying issue.
  8. Nasal or Eye Discharge: Unusual discharge from the nose or eyes.
  9. Loss of Appetite: A significant decrease in interest or refusal to eat.
  10. Weight Loss: Noticeable and unexplained weight loss.
  11. Lethargy: Uncharacteristic lack of energy or enthusiasm.


As the mystery surrounding this infectious respiratory illness deepens, dog owners must remain vigilant and proactive. Keep a watchful eye on your furry companions, noting any unusual behavior or symptoms that align with those mentioned above. Early detection and prompt veterinary attention are crucial in ensuring the well-being of our beloved pets.

In this challenging time, let’s come together as a community of responsible pet owners, staying informed, and supporting one another through these uncertain circumstances. The journey to unveil this mystery may be daunting, but our collective dedication to our furry friends will undoubtedly guide us towards a resolution.

Mixed views coming from veterinarians.  Please use caution with your dog.  If your dogs is showing any of the symptoms listed above contact your verterinarian.  Canceal any interactions with dogs and dog professionals until seeking the counsel of your vet.




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